Smart Curtain

In this project, we will simulate a scenario where the curtains are automatically opened or closed according to the brightness of the room. When the photoresistor detects that the room brightness is too bright, Raspberry Pi will drive the motor to close the curtain; when the room brightness is too dark, the curtain will be opened.

Also you can view the indoor brightness change through text widget on Cloud4RPi, or control the lamp with Switch widget (for electricity safety, this experiment uses LED instead).

Experimental Procedures

Build the circuit.


Open the code.

cd /home/pi/cloud4rpi-raspberrypi-python
sudo nano

Find the line below and fill in the correct device token.


Run the code.

sudo python3

Go to Cloud4RPi, add a new control panel named project4 and add 3 widgets (Switch, Text and Chart widgets) via the Add Widget button.


Once added, you can use the Switch widget to control the LED; the value of the photoresistor on the Text widget will be updated every 1 minute, when the value > 100, the motor rotates clockwise for 5 seconds; if the value is less than 20, the motor rotates counterclockwise for 5 seconds. You can see the change over time in the Chart widget.

Code Explanation

def getValue():
    analogVal = ADC0834.getResult()
    if analogVal > 100:
    elif analogVal < 20:
    return analogVal

Read the value of channel CH0 (with photoresistor connected) of the ADC0834. If the value is >100, the motor rotates clockwise for 5 seconds. If the value is less than 20, the motor rotates counterclockwise for 5 seconds.

'CPU Temp': {
        'type': 'numeric',
        'bind': getValue

Pass getValue() into the 'bind' key as a callback function, so that the brightness value (the return value of the getValue() function) can be sent to the Text widget.